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AcCOUNTability: Keep Your 2014 Resolutions Rolling with Self-Tracking Tools

January 3, 2014

Have you jumped on the self-tracking trend yet?  The latest technology along with some very simple tools has allowed us to look deeper into the habits, activities, and trends that define our health and fitness.  The latest survey  on self-tracking found that seven out of ten American adults regularly track some aspect of their health or fitness. 

Knowing where you stand is the first step in maintaining or improving your fitness or health numbers. Wearable tech gadgets such as the Fit Bit, Nike Fuel Band, and Jawbone Up are some of the most popular pieces of technology that have made this trend more accessible.  These wearable tools allow for a more in-depth look at overall daily movement verses sedentary time.  Some versions also track sleep patterns and can be coordinated with nutrition tracking as well.  If you’re interested in trying one of these newer wearable devices, plan on spending between $60 and $150.

Even though heart rate monitors have been around for a while they’re a great starting tool for fitness beginners.  While wearing a simple chest strap you can keep your workout intensity up or in-check.  Basic heart rate monitors start around $60 and can run up as high as $400 for a top of the line Garmin model. Garmin heart rate monitors allow for a very deep look into the numbers behind your race, run, swim, or ride such as pace, accent, distance, elevation along with heart rate.  These more expensive models may be a better option for a workout enthusiast looking to quantify his or her time hitting the pavement or pushing weight around in the gym.

If you’re a Smartphone owner you have more tracking power than you might have realized.  There are almost an unending number of fitness and nutrition applications available at minimal or no cost.  Some of the TC Fit staff’s favorites include; Map My Fitness, My Fitness Pal, Lose It! and Fooducate.
Self-tracking isn’t just for the early adopters and tech savvy folks.  A good notebook and pencil can track the most baseline data that’s just as important to our overall health.  Regularly stepping on the scale, stopping by the local blood pressure machine, keeping a food intake log, or tracking exercise minutes can be as effective as any piece of technology as long as it’s done consistently.

If you’re interested in learning more about fitness tracking tools contact the TC Fit Fitness Specialists at